2022 Program brochure and program at a glance. Please see Resources page for uploaded resource material from the event.

LGLA is grateful to the following sponsors and program partners:

Opening Ceremonies
Laurey-Anne Roodenburg President of the Union of BC Municipalities and the Local Government Leadership Academy, along with Acting Mayor Linda McPhail from the city of Richmond and Councillor Rosalind Campbell from the Musqueam Nation, welcomed the delegates!

Keynote Address – Dr. Bonnie Henry
BC’s own Dr. Bonnie Henry, delivered the 2022 Forum keynote address, reflecting on personal experiences, the evolution of pandemic response, plus other significant issues such as mental health and the opioid crisis. The keynote was delivered in an interview format with LGLA Board Member, Mayor of the District of Sooke, Maja Tait, posing the interview questions.
Elections Education – the Campaign Ahead
Ministry of Municipal Affairs Staff presented an informative session related to campaign financing and other new rules impacting those seeking local elected office in 2022:
Arielle Guetta -Senior Planning Analyst, Local Government Division, Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Samantha Kolb – Program Analyst, Local Government Division, Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Jodi Cooke – Executive Director, Electoral Finance, Elections BC
Mark Thompson – Team Lead, Compliance Services, Elections BC
Early Morning Roundtable on Mitigating Risk
LGLA Partners: MFA (Municipal Finance Authority); MIA (Municipal Insurance Association) and BCAA (BC Assessment Authority), described trends ahead from their own unique perspectives and the risks that local governments can face.
Social Media Conversations – New Horizons: Stars, Stories, Solutions
Jan Enns, (Jan Enns Communications) lead an an interactive session featuring esteemed leaders who had been actively and successfully navigating the sometimes stormy waters, staying the course, and exploring new horizons on social media
Mayor Lori Ackerman – City of Fort St. John
Mayor Richard Stewart – City of Coquitlam
LGMA Plenary – Forging a Path to Responsible Conduct
Candace Witkowskyj, Executive Director, Local Government Management Association (LGMA), introduced the LGMA plenary that focused on conversation with elected colleagues about creating a new, or revising an existing, code of conduct.
WGRC presenter: Michelle Dann, Executive Director MMA Governance and Structure
Mayor Al Siebring, District of North Cowichan
Ted Swabey, CAO, District of North Cowichan
Mayor Henry Braun, City of Abbotsford
Peter Sparanese, City Manager, City of Abbotsford
Economic Recovery – Large and Small Communities Under Pressure
In part I, George P. Richard Benson, Manager, Economic Transformation, Vancouver Economic Commission introduced some new trends and key elements for implementing and sustaining a new economic vision for a community.
In part II, LGLA Board members Laurey-Anne Roodenburg (Councillor City of Quesnel) and Curtis Helgesen (CAO of Bulkley Nechako) introduced case studies from small/mid-sized communities that executed successful transformations with a new approach to their economic development.
Impacts of Climate Change – What Is an Emergency?
Heat domes, air quality, flooding and unprecedented wild fires… BC was faced with all of these emergencies. Mayor Maja Tait lead the session on how climate change impacts what emergencies look like now and in the future. Special Guests: Marijke Edmondson, Strategic Advisor, Local Government, and Heather Brazier, Executive Director, Policy and Legislation, EMBC, who gave. summary of the EPA modernization.
Asset Management – What’s Your Legacy? …“The Antidote to Asset Management Apathy”
Main Ballroom, 3:45pm-5:00pm
Presenter: Christina Benty, the former-Mayor of the Town of Golden.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion = Belonging, Dignity and Justice;
Lidstone & Company lawyers introduced their free model Anti- Racial Discrimination and Anti-Racism Policy which served as a starting point for some communities to build their first anti-racism policy.
Evening Bonus…by Candle Light with Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg and Councillor Arjun Singh
Main Ballroom, 7:00pm-8:30 pm
City of Quesnel Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg and City of Kamloops Councillor Arjun Singh lead an interactive, dynamic session with members sharing their thoughts on leadership, and reflecting on their terms in office.
Cyber Security
Sukh Manhas, Young Anderson Lawyers:
Presentation focused on the legalities and risks associated with Cyber Security.
Decision-Making Under Financial Pressure – MFA – Municipal Finance Authority
Presentation focused on local governments having to deal with financial pressures to continue to fund infrastructure and services while facing various pressures that can erode conventional sources of income.
Mayor of Fernie, Ange Qualizza was joined by special guests Michael Moore, MA. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) at Town of Creston, Mayor Al Siebring from North Cowichan, and Mayor Dan Law from Tofino.
————–Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) – This Hour Has 60 Plus Minutes – LGLA Forum Closing Interactive Session hosted by:
Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, UBCM President
Mayor Maja Tait, Past President of UBCM
Gary MacIsaac, UBCM Executive Director
LGLA gratefully acknowledges the address to the delegates by the following politicians:
Nathan Cullen, Minister for Municipal Affairs,
Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley, Leader of the Green Party of BC, and
Dan Ashton, MLA for Penticton, Official Opposition critic for Municipal Affairs.